Home EARTHSHOT PRIZE 2021 - Check Key Points, Awards Ceremony, Eligibility, Prize Money

EARTHSHOT PRIZE 2021 – Check Key Points, Awards Ceremony, Eligibility, Prize Money

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Hello dear readers,
Welcome to another interesting and informative blog brought to you by In today’s blog we are going to learn about a new global prize for the environment, “The Earthshot Prize”.

The Earthshot Prize is a prize awarded annually from 2021 to 2030,to five winners each year whose solutions substantially help the environment. The prize is given by the Royal Foundation,headquartered in London, England.

The award is distributed in five separate categories supported by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Earthshot Prize is most ambitious and prestigious of its kind – designed to incentivise change and help to repair our planet over the next ten years.


Awarded forSolutions to climate change and environmental issues from 2021 to 2030
Country United Kingdom 
Presented byThe Royal Foundation 
Rewards£1 million 
First awarded 2021

Britain’s Prince William has launched a new 50 million pound Earthshot Prize, aimed at funding the most innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.

Key Points:

About the Prize:

•Theme: The Earthshot Prize is centered around five “Earthshots”, simple but ambitious goals for the planet, which if achieved by 2030 will improve life for all, for generations to come.

•It is said to be the most prestigious global prize for the environment in history.

Five Earthshots:

•Protect and restore nature

•Clean our air

•Revive our oceans

•Build a waste free world

•Fix our climate

Awards Ceremony: It will take place in different cities across the world each year between 2021 and 2030, at which the five winners for each of the Earthshots will be selected from 15 finalists.

The first award ceremony will take place in London in autumn 2021.

Benefits of Winners: After the awards each winner will receive a global platform and prestigious profile,with their stories being showcased over the decade with ambition that their solutions lead to mass adoption, replication and scaling.

  • The million pound in prize money will support environment and conservation projects that are agreed with the winner.

Eligibility: Prizes could be awarded to a wide range of individuals, teams or collaborations- scientists, activists, economists, community projects, leaders, governments, banks, businesses, cities and countries – anyone whose workable solution makes a sustainable contribution to achieve the Earthshots.

Prize Management: In addition, the Prize will be supported by its Global Alliance,a network of organizations worldwide which share the ambition of the prize to repair the planet.


The launch, backed by popular British broadcaster and conservationist David Attenborough, comes after two years of work by Prince William and Royal Foundation of the Duke to develop a project which will support the global effort to project and restore the environment.

•Recently Sir David Attenborough has also been conferred with the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for 2019.

The prize has been launched taking inspiration from the former US President John F.Kennedy’s Moonshot, which united millions of people around an organising goal to put man on the moon and catalysed the development of new technology in the 1960’s.

This brings us to the end of our blog. Hope you found this article informative. Stay tuned with us as we will be bringing to you many such interesting articles that will be helpful for you.

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