Home Commonwealth Day - Know History, Theme & Events

Commonwealth Day – Know History, Theme & Events

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Commonwealth Day- 24th May

Divided by races, traditions and cultures, united by one and the same ideologies, desires and aspirations, the member nations have a strong commitment to human rights and democracy. Amidst extreme poverty and suffering, it’s the duty of every small and big nation to foregather and assist each other and work towards the alarming issues for the common wellbeing. This day commemorates the Commonwealth of Nations which is a union of some countries that used to be a part of the British Empire. 


We observe this day to celebrate the Commonwealth and its shared values of peace, equality and democracy. 

Theme for 2020

The theme for 2020 is ‘Delivering a Common Future’ to accentuate how the 54 member countries of the Commonwealth are ‘connecting, innovating and transforming’ to achieve goals like protecting natural resources and boosting trade.


One-third of the world’s population, it’s a voluntary association of 54 countries which comprises of the Nations ranging from the wealthiest to the poorest. These countries are working together to improve the lives of the people by focusing on global issues and resolving them. 


With the decline of the British Empire, the interest in Empire Day declined as well. First, in 1958 its name was changed to British Commonwealth Day. Second, in 1966, the date was altered to 10th June (the official birthday of the present Queen). Here onwards the day was termed as Commonwealth day.


  • Democracy 
  • International peace and security 
  • Freedom of expression 
  • Rule of awareness 
  • Good governance 
  • Social development 
  • Human rights 
  • Rule of law

Events organised 

  • Flag parades
  • Church services 
  • Poetry mornings
  • Dance performances 
  • Seminars and webinars are organised to discuss various issues. 

Benefits of being a member state of the Commonwealth Organisation 

  • Defence
  • Voting rights 
  • Citizenship
  • Security

In our next blog, we will be discussing other current issues of national and international importance. If you don’t want to miss out on the next important blog, click here!

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