Home PM- DAKSH Mobile App and Web Portal - Check Daksh Yojna Details...

PM- DAKSH Mobile App and Web Portal – Check Daksh Yojna Details Here!

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Today on Hranker’s blog section we will be talking about the PM-DAKSH Mobile App which was recently launched. Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, Dr Virendra Kumar launched the ‘PM-DAKSH’ portal and ‘PM-DAKSH’ mobile app.

We will discuss the app, its various features and importance further in the blog. So read our blog till the end to know all about this newly launched app.

Let us start by knowing about the PM- DAKSH Yojana.

PM- DAKSH Yojana

The ‘Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi’ (DAKSH) Yojana is  a national action plan for the marginalized, persons of SC, OBC, EBC, DNT, sanitation workers, including waste pickers, manual scavengers, trans genders, and other similar categories.

Under this scheme, eligible target groups will be provided skill development training programmes on – Up-skilling or Re-skilling Programmes; Short Term Training Programme; Long Term Training Programme and; Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP).

Key points about the portal and the mobile app

  • It is developed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in collaboration with NeGD (National e-governance division).
  • The aim is to make the skill development schemes accessible to the target groups. The youth of the target groups will now be able to take advantage of skill development training programmes more easily with this portal and app. 
  • By accessing the ‘PM-DAKSH’ Portal, anyone can acquire all of the information about skill development training in one place. Additionally, with just one click, one can obtain information about skill development training taking place near him or her, as well as readily register for such training.
  • By accessing the ‘PM-DAKSH’ Portal, anyone can acquire all of the information about skill development training in one place. Additionally, with just one click, one can obtain information about skill development training taking place near him or her, as well as readily register for such training.
  • PM- DAKSH Portal is available at while ‘PM-DAKSH’ Mobile App is available in Google play store.

Other features

All information about skill development for Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes and Safai Karamcharis will be available in one place.

They have the option of registering for the training institute and programme of their choice.

Uploading of personal information-related documents is possible.

During the training time, the learners’ attendance can be tracked via face and eye scanning.

During training, photo and video clips are used to monitor the facilities.

About Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJ&E)

  • The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MoSJ&E) caters for empowerment of the socially, educationally and economically marginalized sections of the society including SCs, OBCs, Sr. Citizens, and victims of alcoholism and substances abuse, transgender persons, De-notified Tribes (DNTs), EBCs, Safai Karamcharies, Waste Pickers and Manual Scavengers.
  • Three apex corporations, the National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation, the National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation, and the National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development Corporation, are operating under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
  • According to available data, they have provided skill development training to 2, 73,152 people from target groups over the last five years, enabling them to support themselves and their families through self-employment.
  • Through the above three Apex Corporations, a goal has been set to provide skill development training to approximately 50,000 people from the target groups during the year 2021-22.

To conclude, this portal can become more useful and beneficial for the target groups by providing possibilities for them to gain skills and become self-sufficient. 

Keep reading and stay tuned for more blogs.

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