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World Earth Day 2021 – know all the facts about Earth Day & Activities

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A Chronicle of an Annual Global Event, Earth Day- its Meaning, Significance and Objectives.

“Earth Day should encourage us to reflect on what we are doing to make our planet a more sustainable and a liveable place.” –Scott Peters

This year 22nd April marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day since its celebration began in 1970. Earth Day founder, Gaylord Nelson came up with the idea of dedicating a National Day for our Environment. The aim was to infuse a sense of responsibility in humans towards our Mother Earth. Further, it is to make the inhabitants realize the Earth’s fragility and remind us to create an environment that is eco-friendly for both, humans and animals.

Origin International Mother Earth Day

Americans were too engrossed in activities which resulted in the consumption of vast amounts of leaded gas through inefficient automobiles. There were oil spills and smog. Rivers caught fire because they were so polluted. They were oblivious to the harmful activities which led to air pollution and therefore harmed our planet back then. Senator Gaylord Nelson had been concerned about the condition in the United States. Therefore he came up with the idea of celebrating Earth Day to provide a voice to emerging environmental issues. He wanted people to take up action against the same. It led to the rise of environmental laws in United States including Clean air, Clean water and Endangered species Acts. 

Earth Day’s Significance

Earth Day is celebrated to spread awareness about the Earth. Also, to make people know about the issues which are responsible for the depletion of our planet and to encourage them to work up against those issues. Various issues like global warming, abrupt climate changes, various types of pollution, depletion of resources, scarcity of food and water etc are thrown light upon. In order to resolve these issues and make this a sustainable planet to live in, measures like energy and resources conservation, promotion of activities like afforestation, reduction in usage of pesticides and artificial fertilizers and ways to replace non-renewable energy resources with the renewable ones are advised.   

Earth Day’s Theme

All the individuals and alarming issues are kept in mind while deciding the theme for the Earth Day. This is done so that necessary steps regarding it can be taken to heal and preserve our Mother Earth. Since it’s the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the theme for this year is climate change as it is a global issue for every human across the world and there is an immediate need to make this planet habitable. It’s a requirement to find innovative ways to deal with the ongoing climate crisis and to give rise to a zero-carbon future. It is intended to activate at least a billion people worldwide to come together and raise their voices against the crisis through their actions, to clean our surroundings, rivers, lakes, to prevent harm to all the living beings, to avoid activities that lead to environmental destruction and to bring artists from around the world who can use their art to express the “fellow feeling” theme.  

Ways of Celebrating Earth Day/ Earth Day Events

-Take the initiative to plant a tree.

-Garner all the trash around.

-Follow the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

-Educate people and make them aware of the issues related to the environment all around the world.

-Initiate a community program and include as many people as you can. 

Difference Between Earth Day and Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organised by the WWF for nature in which we participate, turning our lights off whereas Earth Day is a global event celebrated every year on 222nd April in order to encourage people to take care of our environment. 

5Rs of Happy Earth Day

Reduce- Limit the amount of materials you use.

Reuse- Don’t discard articles after using them for once, try to use them again and again. 

Recycle- Reform articles like bottles, cans, newspapers into useful articles.

Refuse- Don’t use non-recyclable articles.

ROT- Composting waste

Earth Day 2020 Slogan

Love Earth and earth will love you! Keep standing for the love of earth! I am an Earth lover. 

Earth Day 2020

Due to the Lockdown, all outdoor activities are suspended at the moment hence there will be global conversations, call to action, performances, video teach-ins and much more.  

 A Few Facts About The World Earth Day

-On the very first day, 20 million people gathered in the streets of United States to protest against the alarming issue of Air Pollution thereby giving a rise to an environmental movement. 

-This date was specifically chosen to encourage the college students specifically since 22nd April falls somewhere between the spring break and final exams. 

-Although it began as an American movement, it is now an international phenomenon known as International Mother Earth Day. 

-Around 1 billion people take part in Earth Day activities every year. 

-Earth Day is not a National Holiday.

-Initially, Earth Day was criticized because it was considered to be a distraction from the more pressing social issues. 

We all breathe the same air and eat the food provided to all of us by nature. Then isn’t it our responsibility to join hands and come together to solve this alarming issue? Isn’t it our time to return the favour of Mother Earth by planting trees and taking care of it like our own child, protecting it and making it a livelier, healthier and a greener place to live in? If not now, then when? If not us, then who? 

In our next blog, we will be discussing other current issues of national and international importance. If you don’t want to miss out on the next important blog, click here!

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