Home International Albinism Awareness Day(13th June) - Check All the Facts

International Albinism Awareness Day(13th June) – Check All the Facts

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What is Albinism?

Albinism is a congenital absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. It is a rare, non-contagious, and genetically inherited disease. Its caused by a defect in one of the several genes that produce and distribute melanin. It’s an inherited disorder that is present at birth and occurs with vision problems

Who took the initiative?

The United Nations General Assembly established June 13 as the International Albinism Awareness Day. For the first time, this day was observed in 2015.

Why do we observe this day?

The aim of International Albinism Day is to celebrate the rights of humans born with this disease and to spread awareness related to it. Due to this disease, people often live with a fear of murder, social discrimination and bullying. 

Efforts made to protect people suffering from this disease

Continuous efforts are made and steps are taken to protect and preserve the rights of people suffering from Albinism.

Along with it, strict actions against inhuman behavior are also being observed. 

What is the theme for the year 2020?

“Made To Shine” is the theme for the year 2020. It reflects standing in solidarity with people who have been fighting this battle and facing social discrimination ever since. Unfortunately, these people were bullied and called “Corona” or “COVID-19”. Some tried to make them scapegoats for the current pandemic crisis.

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