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World Patient Safety Day – Check History, Theme & Objectives of the Days

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World Patient Safety Day takes on added significance in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. COVID-19 warriors and medical workers striving diligently to save lives and stop the spread of the infection.

On September 17, World Patient Safety Day is commemorated to raise global awareness about patient safety and to encourage people to show their commitment to making healthcare safer.The Day brings together patients, families, caregivers, communities, health workers, health care leaders and policy-makers to show their commitment to patient safety. 

Read our blog to know about the significance and other facts of this day.

History of the day

World Patient Safety Day was established in 2019. It was adapted by the 72nd World Health Assembly on 25 May,2019.

The day was established to enhance global understanding of patient safety, increase public engagement in the safety of healthcare and promote global actions to enhance patient safety and reduce patient harm.

The theme for the first World Patient Safety Day was ‘Patient Safety: A Global Health Priority’.

Theme of World Patient Safety Day 2021

The theme selected for World Patient Safety Day 2021 is “Safe maternal and newborn care”. The theme promotes skilled care for women before and after birth so as to prevent pregnancy-related complications and fatalities.

Since maternity care is also affected by issues of gender equity and violence, women’s experiences during childbirth have the potential to either empower or to inflict damage and emotional trauma on them. 

As a result, this year’s campaign motto, “Act immediately for safe and respectful childbirth!” encourages all stakeholders to take immediate action to ensure safe and respectful childbirth.

Moreover, this theme is important keeping in mind the disruption of health services that has occurred due to the pandemic. 

Objectives of World Patient Safety Day 2021

  1. Raising global awareness on the issues of maternal and newborn safety, particularly during childbirth. 
  2. Apart from improving maternal and newborn safety, the focus of this day is to bring together a wide range of stakeholders and implement innovative and effective solutions.
  3. All stakeholders must take immediate and long-term initiatives to scale up efforts, reach the unreached, and provide safe maternal and newborn care, particularly during childbirth.
  4. Advocate the adoption of best practices at the point of care to prevent avoidable risks and harm to all women and newborns during childbirth.

Why International Patient Safety day is Important

According to WHO Data, around 810 women die because of avoidable causes connected to pregnancy and delivery, everyday. Furthermore, approximately 6700 newborns die every day, accounting for 47% of all fatalities among children under the age of five.

Data shows that 2 million babies are stillborn each year, of which 40% are happening during labour. As a result, it’s critical to understand the scope of the harm caused by medical errors that can be avoided.

Nearly 15 percent of all healthcare spending is wasted dealing with events caused by a lack of keeping patients safe. Staying focused on patient safety can reduce healthcare costs and make health care delivery more efficient.

There’s a lot of paperwork involved in providing health care. More than any other issue, administrative errors contribute to a lack of patient safety. International Patient Safety Day is a reminder not just to patients, but to health care administrators to keep patient safety top of mind.

About World Health Organisation (WHO)

Director-General- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus(Ethiopia) 

Headquarters- Geneva, Switzerland

Founded – 7 April 1948

Considering the significant burden of risks and harm women and newborns are exposed to due to unsafe care, compounded by the disruption of essential health services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign is even more important this year.

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