Hey dear candidates!
I welcome you all to “Today in History by Hranker.com”. Here, we will discuss some of the major events in the history of 15th of September, 257th day of the year and 35th Wednesday of 2021.
1) Today in 1959 the Government of India launched Doordarshan or DD, India’s public service broadcaster in Delhi.

It started with a small 5 KW transmitter and an improvised studio. Doordarshan became a national broadcaster in 1982. It covers all government events and shows. 90% of the Indian population can view DD programmes through a network of about 1400 terrestrial transmitters. In 1976 Radio and Television services were separated.
2) Today in 1953 S. Vijayalakshmi Pandit was elected as the first lady President of the eighth session of the UNO General Assembly.

She was an Indian diplomat and politician. She was the first female elected to 6Th Governor of Maharashtra. Her brother Jawahar Lal Nehru was the first PM of Independent India.
3) Today in 1909 CN Annadurai, founder of DMK political party, was born.

He was the former CM of Tamil Nadu and was born in the weaver community of Kanchipuram. He served as fifth and last CM of Madras state and first CM of Tamil Nadu. He was well known for his oratorical skills and was an acclaimed writer in Tamil Language.
1st September Historical Events
2nd September Historical Events
3rd September Historical Events
4th September Historical Events
5th September Historical Events
6th September Historical Events
7th September Historical Events
8th September Historical Events
9th September Historical Events
10th September Historical Events
11th September Historical Events
12th September Historical Events
13th September Historical Events
14th September Historical Events
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