Hey dear candidates!
I welcome you all to “Today in History by Hranker.com”. Here, we will discuss some of the major events in the history of 26th of August, 237th day of the year and 32nd Thursday of 2021.
1) Today in 1789 France’s National Constituent Assembly declared the Rights of Man.

The Declaration was drafted by Abbe Sieyes and Marquis de Lafayette in consultation with Thomas Jefferson. The Enlightenment ideals largely inspired the content of the document.
2) Today in 1852 Bombay Association was formed.

It was the first political association in the Bombay Presidency founded by Jagannath Shankarsheth. Sir Jamshedji Jejibhai was the first president of the Organization.
3) Today in 1303 Alauddin Khilji captured Chittorgarh after defeating Ratan Singh.

Just before the capture, Padmini, the beautiful queen along with several hundred females had sacrificed herself in fire (Johar Pratha). The Delhi sultan massacred 30,000 Hindus but pardoned the Ruler and his family. He assigned the fort to his young son Khizr Khan and renamed it to Khizrabad.
4) Today in 1914 Radda Company Arms Heist took place.

It was described as the Greatest Daylight Robbery. Members of the Jugantar faction of the Bengali revolutionary organisation Anushilan Samiti intercepted a shipment of Mauser Pistols and ammunition belonging to Messrs Rodda & co., a Calcutta gun dealer. The successful heist handed Jugantar 50 Mauser pistols and 46,000 rounds of ammunition.
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